I need to let you in on a secret, most likely your dog wasn't physically abused. You may actually be saying, "ok, but does it really matter?" Actually, yes, it does. I find that most dog owners who think their dog was physically abused are either far too soft on them, don't implement proper rules and boundaries, and/or excuse their behavior and think that it cannot be changed. There can be help for dogs that present behavior like this!
First, yes, sometimes abuse is the case. There are definite cases of abuse. I'm not saying this is never the case ... but ... it's not usually the case when I'm seeing dogs that are labeled as such.
The most common answer to behaviors that dogs exhibit and people associate with physical abuse is anxiety. Dogs that show fear or conflicting behaviors doesn't necessarily mean they have been abused, but rather they have anxiety in some form or another.
This usually goes back to genetics. Genetics play a huge role in behavior. I think we often overlook this incredibly important fact. Many people always take personal blame if they have an anxious dog but more often than not it all goes back to genetics and has no one to blame (which helps no one anyway!)
I like to explain this to people because there is a stigma around their dogs when they think one thing or another is a "reason for" something. The truth is that we just need to work with the dog. These "she was abused" labels are a huge reason people start to anthropomorphize their dog — put human traits on something that isn't human. This is where things get muddy with dog behavior ... when we can't see the forest for the trees.
When people assume their dog was abused they often think this means nothing can be done or that love alone and time will "fix" it. The truth is that no matter the reason, your dog that shows any signs of anxiety, phobias or fears should seek the evaluation and assistance of a Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorist. If one is not near you many across the country will do a vet-to-vet consult with your own Veterinarian and you can go from there.
Most times these cases benefit hugely from behavioral medication so that your dog can live a less anxious and stressful life, alongside a behavior modification plan with a positive trainer to help with counter-conditioning and desensitization protocols. The protocol to help the dog through any of this is the same no matter why the dog is the way that it is.
I use Classical Conditioning and Desensitization for most cases like this as well as Operant Conditioning. We basically change the dog's current emotional response to something and make it a different, usually, more appropriate and acceptable response. This usually means something like a dog that's afraid of a broom is taught that brooms are ok. We pair good things with the sight of the broom, starting at a distance where the broom doesn't cause too much stress. We go at the rate the dog is comfortable working and while we are making steady progress, so as not to see any regression, if possible. Then it just goes from there. If this is similar to something your dog needs help with please locate a trainer near you.
Stacy Greer
I use Classical Conditioning and Desensitization for most cases like this as well as Operant Conditioning. We basically change the dog's current emotional response to something and make it a different, usually, more appropriate and acceptable response. This usually means something like a dog that's afraid of a broom is taught that brooms are ok. We pair good things with the sight of the broom, starting at a distance where the broom doesn't cause too much stress. We go at the rate the dog is comfortable working and while we are making steady progress, so as not to see any regression, if possible. Then it just goes from there. If this is similar to something your dog needs help with please locate a trainer near you.
Stacy Greer
Sunshine Dog Training & Behavior, LLC
servicing the Dallas/Ft Worth, Texas metroplex
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